Our team
Rev. Keith Davis
Senior Pastor, Chilef Executive Officer
With 50 years of leadership in ministry and business, Pastor Keith Davis and his team are making a difference in communities. Their shared passion and vision to rebuild underserved communities one family at a time drives excellence in how the work is approached. His business acumen and ministry experience enable him to provide authentic servant leadership in partnership with industry across a diverse stakeholder community. Pastor Davis is an experienced technologist who engages stakeholders, including federal agencies and the private sector. He provides a prophetic voice, council, and thought leadership wherever and whenever needed.
First Lady, Elder Linda Davis
Church Operations Director
First Lady Elder Linda Green-Davis is a co-builder and thought leader with her husband, Pastor Keith Davis. She is an experienced and compassionate community leader at Evangelism Today Christian Church, overseeing church operations as the senior administrator. As a formerly elected official overseeing a 150 million dollar annual budget, she understands governance, personal integrity, and public accountability. She leads our Community Redevelopment Initiatives, where we plan to redevelop the neighborhoods surrounding our church. She completed training at NJ Redevelopment Training Institute, courses in advanced Grant writing, certifications in Real Estate, and Studies in Business law, and is a listened realtor.
Deaconess Ava Evans
Director of Community Services
An exemplary, compassionate leader, Deaconess Ava Evans dedicates much of her waking hours to honoring God by serving families in the community—the city of Camden. She has led the church Community Food Pantry ministry for decades, where thousands have been served and is still growing. Camden is a food desert where many families experience food insecurity. This ministry is leading to mitigate this issue by providing families with supplemental food donations from our pantry each week.
Elder Lenora Martin
Senior Elder Lead Intercessor
Elder Lenora Martin is an anointed intercessor who operates in prophetic ministry and is a devoted leader in our fellowship. Every church grows by the toil of those willing to make the sacrifices in prayer. She is blessed to stand watch for us by standing in the gap on behalf of many. She is a key leader in our daily prayer hour ministry, Monday through Friday, at 6:00 a.m. Since the inception of this ministry, we've seen signs, wonders, and miracles take place in the lives of many.