1. Doctrine
At Evangelism Today, God is restoring purpose in lives, building on the sure foundation of Jesus Christ our Lord and the Holy Scriptures. The following are a few of our core beliefs:* God inspired the Scriptures, and the bible is the true Word of God.* Jesus Christ died for the sins of all humanity, and those who believe in Him shall have eternal life.* Conversion through repentance and sanctification is achieved through a lifetime of obedience.
2. Service
We deliver high-impact ministry services to undo the burdens people suffer in our community. Jesus said, "I was hungry, and you gave me meat; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was homeless, and you took me in, naked, and you clothed me. I was sick and in prison, and you visited with me. As we do these to others, we do them unto the LORD." Our Community Pantry Ministry is one of many ways in which we mitigate suffering in our community.
3. Leadership
At Evangelism Today, we develop prophetic leaders through mentorship and Bible training. Organizational leadership skills help leaders create and maintain an environment where people feel connected, valued, and capable of doing their best work toward achieving shared ministry objectives. Our church is committed to passing on knowledge gained from practical experience and teaching learners who, in turn, can teach others.
Matthew 25 Ministry
We are laboring to establish the Kingdom of God on earth even as it is in heaven; this is our mission. The message of the kingdom of God we preach is having an impact on so many lives. The ministry reduces hunger, supports the homeless, and helps heal the sick. The Camden Dream Center Technology Training School, our faith-based career school, was launched to develop and implement strategies to improve the quality of life for people in our community.
Community Pantry
Community pantry ministry reduces food insecurity in the community.
Health & Wellness
Helping people adopt healthy lifestyles and good nutrition.
Workforce Training
Sponsors Registered Apprenticeship Programs in IT occupations. .
The services offered at Evangelism Today aim to build community resiliency by closing significant gaps caused by conditions far too common in cities nationwide, such as poverty. We support and inspire academic excellence for our youth and support families struggling with inadequate resources. Our church's prophetic voice calms and comforts people's fears. It delivers hope, faith, and opportunity for people to advance their lives despite the challenges they face every day.
Partnerships are critical to fulfilling our mission. The strategic
alliance partnership with Koinonia Family Life, Inc. enables STEM
learning and workforce skills training in I.T. and Telecommunications.
This work aligns with our vision to eradicate poverty in communities.
Collaboration with other churches is also essential, as we serve families.
We welcome other church congregations across the nation to join us.